Sunday, February 5, 2017

How Stephen Webster, Rock God Of Replica Watches Jewellery, Got His Big Break

One of the most important phone calls of my life very nearly went unanswered. I had been away, on a trip to Santa Barbara, California, and returned to a series of messages that started polite and business-like but grew increasingly despondent and incredulous. "Hi, this is Madonna's assistant. Madonna has seen a catalogue of your work. Can you come around next Wednesday to show her some pieces?" Beeeep. Next message. "Hi, this is Madonna's assistant, checking you are coming to the house tomorrow?" Beeeep.

Last message, preceded by a resigned exhalation. "Hi. Well, I guess you are not coming. Thank you." I was beside myself. I had missed my big break. Madonna was showing interest in my cheap rolex replica jewellery and I had well and truly blown my chance.

It started at a party, as so many of my best stories do. I was attending a friend's wedding when I met Brian, the best man and an accountant at EMI. Brian told me how he had kept quiet about his favourite band being Status Quo when he'd been approached by two young guys from Oxford who asked him to join their management company, which looked after a couple of acts: Brit poppers Supergrass and a relatively unknown outfit called Radiohead.
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Brian asked me what I thought of the idea and I told him that Radiohead, who had just released The Bends, were an amazing new band - the most exciting of the decade. Brian made the move and from that day on was, unquestionably, well and truly embroiled in the music business.

Some years later, Brian had reason to take a meeting with Madonna and asked for one of my catalogues to take with him. I didn't think anything cheap fake rolex would come of me showing my work to the world's most famous pop star and fashion icon, but what harm could it do? I left my business card in the package and flew off to America.

Back then, before mobile phones got smart and slim, they needed charging often and didn't work overseas, which is exactly were I was when Madonna's people called. All three times.

Once I came home, I took a deep breath, called back, got the assistant on the line and arranged to visit Madonna at her London home the very next evening. Because Brian was the one who had made the original introduction, I took him with me. To steady the nerves, we had a couple of large gins in the pub by her house beforehand.

It was a strange experience at first. Waiting in a reception room at Madonna's house, we could smell something burning.

Concerned, I popped my head around the door in time to see Madonna herself walking up the staircase, cloaked in wisps of thick black smoke. Wow, I thought, is this how Madonna always enters a room?
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